The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told, The Uptown Players’ latest production, is basically the story of gay Christmas. Fabulous takes us back to the start of it with the story of Adam and Steve and Jane and Mabel. We then “follow their lives through time as they move from Creation to the first brunch.” Next comes the Flood, Egypt and the Nativity. Throughout the play you’ll laugh AND learn things. Why? Because award-winning playwright Paul Rudnick weaves lessons of tolerance and understanding in between giggles, chuckles and LOLs. The New York Times said Rudnick “... may be the funniest writer for the stage and he confirms that with Fabulous.” Need more cred? R-town also wrote the screenplay for Sister Act. Uh ... yeah. See Fab at 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets start at $25 and are on sale now at Fabulous runs through the 15th at the Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd.
Thursdays-Sundays. Starts: Dec. 5. Continues through Dec. 15, 2013