It seems unthinkable that in the trend of pop-up theme bars, it took this long for someone to attempt a Simpsons concept. The Whippersnapper on McMillian Avenue already did pop-up homages to The Office, Harry Potter and Breaking Bad, but the place really stepped up its game with its version of Springfield's favorite watering hole. The place did more than just paint its façade to look like Moe's Tavern. The staff dressed up as some of the show's most beloved characters, and they created some tasty Springfield-ian creations that dove deep into the canon like a bourbon and black tea mix called The Simpsons & Sons Revitalizing Tonic, a fruity mixture called Lil Lisa's Slurry and the classic Frozen Squishee from the Kwik-E-Mart. The décor celebrated some of the show's most iconic moments like Homer's immortal declaration "To alcohol! The cause and solution to all of life's problems."