So Burger King has a new bacon sundae on the menu. This means I have to eat it. And fast on the heels of a few hundred guisado verde tacos for lunch from La Nueva Fresh and Hot, I found myself in a Burger King drive-through. Nick was kind enough to drive and order for me but the lady working the intercom seemed a little confused.
We pulled around to the second window and waited for what seemed like an absurdly long three minutes before the window opened and our prize appeared. The woman at the window apologized for the wait. "This is the first time we made this," she told us.
Burger King's bacon sundae is exactly what you'd expect. It's got the same ice cream you've ordered in any other dessert from a fast food joint, with the same fudge and caramel sauce, too. There's bacon on it. A great big shark fin of pork stands out like a warning flag for those with dietary restrictions. There's no chance the little crumbles of salty, smoky pig will sneak up on you. I took a single bite and there it was. Bacon. On a sundae.
I thought I'd save the rest to dump on a hot sidewalk for an artistic melted ice cream shot, but a funny thing happened instead: I ate it. Every stop light and pause in traffic I found myself taking another bite. It's surprisingly good in that nostalgic childhood memory kind of way, until you got a bite with bacon in it. And then like all traumatic things the pain fades and you find yourself pushing more ice cream around with your spoon as a precursor to another bite.
I ate the first bacon sundae ever made at the Mockingbird Lane Burger King. And now you don't have to.