With The Ackermans now on stage at the Jack Daniels Old No. 7 Club, Dallas County Democratic Party chair Darlene Ewing finally made her appearance about 45 mintues ago along with state Senator Royce West and a group of candidates, when she expressed her condolences to the Texas House candidates that are facing a tough races.
"I feel bad for our state reps that are in trouble," she said, acknowledging that there's also a long night ahead for other candidates.
West was much more positive, naming Dr. Elba Garcia the winner over Republican Commissioner Ken Mayfield and Clay Jenkins the new county judge, toppling Wade Emmert, which would give the Democrats a majority in the commissioners court.
Although U.S. Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson made her way through the room shortly before Ewing grabbed the mic, Johnson wasn't on stage, and neither was District Attorney Craig Watkins. However, shortly after Ewing and West made their brief comments, a group of exonerees appeared in support of Watkins and to plug a new book about him: Tested.
With a lead of less than 4,000 votes over challenger Danny Clancy and 75 precincts left to report, Watkins is tested indeed. And still hiding out at the W Hotel.