Bar Belmont | Oak Cliff/South Dallas | Bars and Clubs | Music

Bar Belmont

Sitting atop a large hill in Oak Cliff, The Belmont Hotel and its conjoined bar are more than 80 years old, boutique in design and have an adorable vintage flair. The Belmont Bar is a place to enjoy upscale cocktails or martinis in a homey setting. Brick floors, warm sofas and a fireplace take residence in the bar's seating area, which is attached to the front desk of the historical hotel. But there's something else you may have heard about the bar: it's supposedly haunted. Bartenders at the Belmont Bar will tell you one story after another of their ghostly run-ins, if you just ask them. They say wine and cocktail glasses have shattered on their own, objects are moved around, "people" have swung open the bar's locked squeaky front door and much more. The Belmont Bar is perhaps a place to go if you're feeling lonely and want some company.