Sit Next to a Dog or Kid Dining Out? Dallas Observer Readers React | Dallas Observer

Readers Respond: Kids vs. Dogs at Restaurants

We asked and y'all answered. Observer readers respond when asked if they'd rather dine out next to a dog or a child.
Our readers showed a preference for dogs. Kind of.
Our readers showed a preference for dogs. Kind of. Taylor Adams
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Last week, we published a story about the approval ratings for small children versus dogs in restaurant settings. One study found that 62% of those surveyed would rather eat near an animal than a kid. Another found that 70% of respondents believed it was “unacceptable” for restaurants to allow dogs around food.

It’s an unsurprisingly polarizing subject. The issue of kids at restaurants is a hot topic on its own. Throwing dogs into the mix makes things twice as touchy, with everyone up in arms defending their multi-species "babies." We referenced several different studies, but failed to come up with an objectively correct answer other than “Read the room.”

Everyone, including Observer readers, has an opinion of when it’s OK (if ever) to take dogs or little kids out to eat with you. Most of the time, readers have the final word on our stories, and we like to honor that by amplifying your voices (and reminding you that we’re always watching).

When we took to social media to ask if our readers would rather sit next to a dog or a kid at a restaurant, the pro-dog camp came out swinging.

David on Facebook:

For the record, I have never once experienced a dog that wouldn’t stop barking on a patio. The number of tantrums I’ve suffered through is in the triple digits at this point.

Lonnie on Instagram:

I don’t own a dog or a child, but dogs are generally better behaved in public than kids and most adults with kids.

Cody on Instagram:

My dog is better behaved than most adults to be honest. And probably cleaner. And nicer.

Even some who have kids themselves conceded that other people’s kids (not their own angels, of course) can be a lot to be around.

Andrea on Instagram:

“I have kids and I support this [cringe emoji] even tho mine have good behavior…my vote is [dog emoji]”

Ashley on Instagram:

My tiny humans..we didn't start eating out until they were old enough to understand. They have better manners than most young adults these days. They judge poorly behaved children more than we do.

Plenty of people spoke out against dogs as well, citing hygiene and allergy concerns.

An anonymous Instagram user:

With NO RESPECT AND CONSIDERATION TO FOLKS THAT ARE ALLERGIC dogs! I LOVE dogs but they are not humans and DON’T belong at Grocery stores and inside restaurants. Patios…whatever!

Anita on Instagram:

Taking a dog into a restaurant is super gross. I would prefer you keep your pets at home. Who did these people survey? Everyone at the dog park?

An anonymous user in response to Anita:

a bunch of people who don't have kids nor plan on having children.

Tony on Instagram:

Yeah, I don't need all that hair floating around in the air getting in my food

Jaime in response to Tony:

I also hate hair in my food- I think I’ll shave my head too!

Dogs had as many defenders as they did opponents. Unfortunately, we can’t say the same about kids. While the child-haters were outspoken in the comments, the most favorable thing many had to say about kids (who weren’t their own) was a lukewarm, “I don’t mind them if they’re well-behaved.”

Daniel on Instagram:

If I'm paying $200+ to get food and drinks and quality service, I am desperately requesting that there not be children present. One time I saw kids at the French Room and almost freaked out, but they were not only dressed appropriately for the occasion, their parents had raised them to respect the ambience the restaurant was trying to present. It's more about how well behaved the kids are than their presence frankly.

(It seems like Daniel may have slightly changed his mind by the time he finished typing that.)

A select handful of readers voted “neither.”

Chris on Twitter:

That’s like asking would you rather have your fingernails pulled off by pliers or a shrimp cocktail fork? Both are not ideal situations.

One Twitter user took it upon himself to conduct a poll in the comments section and may have revealed the existence of a silent majority in the process. Of the three users who answered, a whopping two said that they’d rather sit next to a child than a dog. Make of that what you will.

Overall, the responses mirrored our research in that things aren’t looking great for kids or dogs. It seems like most people would rather sit next to a dog, but only if they had to choose between the two and “neither” wasn’t an option.

If there’s something we’re missing here, don’t hesitate to let us know. We do read all of our comments, after all.
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